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Publication list of Kary Främling

Articles in refereed journals

  1. FOULADGAR, Nazanin, ALIREZAIE, Marjan, FRÄMLING, Kary. Metrics and Evaluations of Time Series Explanations: An Application in Affect Computing. IEEE Access, Vol. 10, 2022. pp. 23995-24009. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3155115. IF: 3.367 (2020). Accessible online: from IEEE.
  2. HALMETOJA, Esa, SALONEN, Heidi, IHASALO, Heikki, FRÄMLING, Kary. Critical study of the applicability of additional IAQ sensors in older buildings. Intelligent Buildings International, 2021. pp. 1-13. doi: 10.1080/17508975.2021.2011702. Accessible online: from Taylor & Francis.
  3. KNAPIC, Samanta, MALHI, Avleen, SALUJA, Rohit, FRÄMLING, Kary. Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Human Decision Support System in the Medical Domain. Machine Learning & Knowledge Extraction, Vol. 3, Issue 3, 2021.pp. 740-770. doi: 10.3390/make3030037. Accessible online: from MDPI.
  4. FOULADGAR, Nazanin, ALIREZAIE, Marjan, FRÄMLING, Kary. CN-waterfall: a deep convolutional neural network for multimodal physiological affect detection. Neural Computing and Applications, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s00521-021-06516-3. IF: 5.606 (2020). Accessible online: from Springer.
  5. HUOTARI, Matti, ARORA, Shashank, MALHI, Avleen, FRÄMLING, Kary. Comparing seven methods for state-of-health time series prediction for the lithium-ion battery packs of forklifts. Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 111, pp. 107670, November 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2021.107670. IF: 6.725 (2020). Accessible online:
  6. NAJJAR, Amro, MUALLA, Yazan, SINGH, Kamal Deep, PICARD, Gauthier, CALVARESI, Davide, MALHI, Avleen, GALLAND, Stéphane, FRÄMLING, Kary. One-to-Many Negotiation QoE Management Mechanism for End-User Satisfaction. IEEE Access, Vol. 9, pp. 59231-59243, 2021. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3071646. IF: 3.275 (2019). Accessible online:
  7. YOUSEFNEZHAD, Narges, MALHI, Avleen, FRÄMLING, Kary. Automated IoT Device Identification Based on Full Packet Information Using Real-Time Network Traffic. Sensors, Vol. 21, Issue 8, 2021. IF: 3.275 (2019). Accessible online:
  8. MATTILA, Juri, SEPPÄLÄ, Timo, VALKAMA, Pellervo, HUKKINEN, Taneli, FRÄMLING, Kary, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan. Blockchain-based deployment of product-centric information systems. Computers in Industry, Volume 125, February 2021. IF: 3.954 (2019). Accessible online:
  9. JAVED, Asad, KUBLER, Sylvain, MALHI, Avleen, NURMINEN, Antti, ROBERT, Jérémy, FRÄMLING, Kary. bIoTope: Building an IoT Open Innovation Ecosystem for Smart Cities, in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3041326. IF: 3.745 (2019). Accessible online:
  10. JAVED, Asad, MALHI, Avleen, KINNUNEN, Tuomas, FRÄMLING, Kary. Scalable IoT Platform for Heterogeneous Devices in Smart Environments, IEEE Access, Vol. 8. pp. 211973-211985. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3039368. IF: 3.745 (2019). Accessible online:
  11. YOUSEFNEZHAD, Narges, MALHI, Avleen, FRÄMLING, Kary. Security in product lifecycle of IoT devices: A survey. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 171, 1 December 2020. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2020.102779. IF: 5.5570 (2019). Accessible online:
  12. FOULADGAR, Nazanin, FRÄMLING, Kary. A Novel LSTM for Multivariate Time Series with Massive Missingness. Sensors, Vol. 20, Issue 10, 2020. pp. 2832-2849. doi:10.3390/s20102832. IF: 3.031 (2018). Accessible online: from MDPI.
  13. JAVED, Asad, ROBERT, Jeremy, HELJANKO, Keijo, FRÄMLING, Kary. IoTEF: A Federated Edge-Cloud Architecture for Fault-Tolerant IoT Applications. Journal of Grid Computing, Vol. 18, 2020. pp. 57-80. doi:10.1007/s10723-019-09498-8. IF: 3.288 (2019). Accessible online: from Springer.
  14. KARPENKO, Anastasiia, KINNUNEN, Tuomas, MADHIKERMI, Manik, ROBERT, Jeremy, FRÄMLING, Kary, DAVE, Bhargav, NURMINEN, Antti. Data Exchange Interoperability in IoT Ecosystem for Smart Parking and EV Charging. Sensors, Vol. 18, Issue 12, 2017. pp. 1-21. DOI: 10.3390/s18124404. IF: 2.475 (2017). Download as PDF.
  15. DAVE, Bhargav, BUDA, Andrea, NURMINEN, Antti, FRÄMLING, Kary. A framework for integrating BIM and IoT through open standards. Automation in Construction, Vol. 95, November 2018. pp. 35-45. DOI:10.1016/j.autcon.2018.07.022. IF: 4.032 (2017). Download from ScienceDirect.
  16. ROBERT, Jeremy, KUBLER, Sylvain, KOLBE, Niklas, CERIONI, Alessandro, GASTAUD, Emmanuel, FRÄMLING, Kary. Open IoT ecosystem for enhanced interoperability in smart cities - Example of Métropole de Lyon. Sensors, Vol. 17, Issue 12, 2017. pp. 1-21. DOI:10.3390/s17122849. IF: 2.677 (2016). Download as PDF.
  17. KUBLER, Sylvain, ROBERT, Jeremy, HEFNAWY, Ahmed, FRÄMLING, Kary, CHERIFI, Chantal, BOURAS, Abdelaziz. Open IoT Ecosystem for Sporting Event Management. IEEE Access, Vol. 5, Issue 1, 2017. pp. 7064-7079. DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2692247. IF: 1.270 (Jun 2017).
  18. MADHIKERMI, Manik, KUBLER, Sylvain, ROBERT, Jeremy, BUDA, Andrea, FRÄMLING, Kary. Data quality assessment of maintenance reporting procedures. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 63, 2016. pp. 145-164. DOI:10.1016/j.eswa.2016.06.043. IF: 2.981 (Jul 2016)
  19. DAVE, Bhargav, KUBLER, Sylvain, FRÄMLING, Kary, KOSKELA, Lauri. Opportunities for enhanced lean construction management using Internet of Things standards. Automation in Construction, Vol. 61, January 2016. pp. 86-97. IF: 2.442 (Jul 2016)
  20. HINKKA, Ville, RAHKONEN, Maiju, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary. Supply Chain Typology for Configuring Cost-Efficient Tracking in Fashion Logistics. International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 26, Iss. 1, 2015. pp. 42-60. DOI: 10.1108/IJLM-03-2011-0016
  21. KUBLER, Sylvain, FRÄMLING, Kary, DERIGENT, William. P2P Data synchronization for Product Lifecycle Management. Computers in Industry , Volume 66, January 2015. pp. 82-98. DOI: 10.1016/j.compind.2014.10.009.
  22. KUBLER, Sylvain, FRÄMLING, Kary, BUDA, Andrea. A standardized approach to deal with firewall and mobility policies in the IoT. Pervasive and Mobile Computing , Vol. 20, July 2015. pp. 100-114.
  23. KUBLER, Sylvain, DERIGENT, William, FRÄMLING, Kary, THOMAS, André, RONDEAU, Eric. Enhanced Product Lifecycle Information Management using communicating materials. Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 59, 2015. pp. 192-200. DOI: 10.1016/j.cad.2013.08.009
  24. FRÄMLING, Kary, KUBLER, Sylvain, BUDA, Andrea. Universal Messaging Standards for the IoT from a Lifecycle Management Perspective. IEEE Internet of Things , Vol. 1, Issue 4, 2014. pp. 319-327. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2014.2332005. Download as PDF.
  25. HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, SINGH, Vishal, FRÄMLING, Kary. BIM as infrastructure in a Finnish HVAC actor network: 1 Enabling adoption, reuse and recombination over building lifecycle and between projects. Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, Special Issue on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in AEC Organizations: Assessment of Impact on Work Practices, Project Delivery and Organizational Behavior, Vol. 6/2014. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000305.
  26. KUBLER, Sylvain, VOISIN, Alexandre, DERIGENT, William, THOMAS, André, RONDEAU, Eric, FRÄMLING, Kary. Group fuzzy AHP approach to embed relevant data on "communicating material". Computers in Industry , Vol. 65, 2014. pp. 675-692.
  27. MIRZABEIKI, Vahid, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary. Collaborative Tracking: The Value of a Composite Design. International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2014. pp. 522-536. Available online
  28. KUBLER, Sylvain, DERIGENT, William, RONDEAU, Éric, THOMAS, André, FRÄMLING, Kary. Information dissemination framework for context-aware products. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 66, Issue 2, October 2013. pp. 485-500. Available online
  29. HINKKA, Ville, FRÄMLING, Kary, TÄTILÄ, Jaakko. Supply chain tracking: Aligning buyer and supplier incentives. Industrial Management & Data Systems , Vol. 113, Issue 8, 2013. pp. 1133-1148.
  30. FRÄMLING, Kary, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, LOUKKOLA, Juha, NYMAN, Jan, KAUSTELL, André. Sustainable PLM through Intelligent Products. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence , Volume 26, 2012. pp. 789-799. Download as PDF.
  31. HINKKA, Ville, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary. RFID tracking in the book supply chain: The transition from postponed to speculative tagging. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications , Volume 15, Number 3, 2012. pp. 199-214.
  32. FRÄMLING, Kary, OLIVER, Ian, KAUSTELL, André, NYMAN, Jan, HONKOLA, Jukka. Sharing Building Information with Smart-M3. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems , Volume 3, Numbers 3&4, 2011. pp. 347-357. Download as PDF.
  33. RANASINGHE, Damith C., HARRISON, Mark, FRÄMLING, Kary, McFARLANE, Duncan. Enabling Through Life Product-instance Management: Solutions and Challenges. Journal of Network and Computer Applications , Volume 34, Issue 3, May 2011, pp. 1015-1031.
  34. HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary, ALA-RISKU, Timo. The uses of tracking in operations management: Synthesis of a research program. International Journal of Production Economics , Vol. 126, Issue 2, August 2010. pp. 267-275. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2010.03.017.
  35. KÄRKKÄINEN, Mikko, ALA-RISKU, Timo, FRÄMLING, Kary, COLLIN, Jari, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan. Implementing inventory transparency to temporary storage locations: a solution design experiment in project business. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business , Vol. 3, No. 2, 2010. pp. 292-306.
  36. HINKKA, Ville, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary, PATKAÏ, Béla. Building Identity-Based Tracking and Web-Services for SMEs. International Journal of e-Business Management , Vol. 3, No. 1, 2009. pp. 49-53.
  37. FRÄMLING, Kary, McFARLANE, Duncan. Editorial for Special Issue on Intelligent Products. Computers in Industry , Volume 60, Issue 3 April 2009. pp. 135-136. Download as PDF, PS.
  38. MEYER, Gerben, FRÄMLING, Kary, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan. Intelligent Products: A survey. Computers in Industry , Volume 60, Issue 3 April 2009. pp. 137-148. Download as PDF.
  39. HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, KAJOSAARI, Risto, FRÄMLING, Kary, LANGIUS, Erik. Roadmap to tracking based business and intelligent products. Computers in Industry , Volume 60, Issue 3 April 2009. pp. 229-233. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  40. FRÄMLING, Kary, HARRISON, Mark, BRUSEY, James, PETROW, Jouni. Requirements on unique identifiers for managing product lifecycle information - comparison of alternative approaches. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing , Volume 20, Issue 7 October 2007. pp. 715-726. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  41. FRÄMLING, Kary. Guiding exploration by pre-existing knowledge without modifying reward. Neural Networks , Volume 20, Issue 6, August 2007. pp. 736-747. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  42. FRÄMLING, Kary, ALA-RISKU, Timo, KÄRKKÄINEN, Mikko, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan. Design Patterns for Managing Product Life Cycle Information. Communications of the ACM , Vol. 50, No. 6, 2007. pp. 75-79. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS. © ACM, (2007). This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Communications of the ACM, Vol. 50, No. 6, June 2007
  43. FRÄMLING, Kary, KÄRKKÄINEN, Mikko, ALA-RISKU, Timo, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan. Agent-based Model for Managing Composite Product Information. Computers in Industry , Vol. 57, No. 1, 2006. pp. 72-81. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  44. KÄRKKÄINEN, Mikko, ALA-RISKU, Timo, FRÄMLING, Kary. Efficient Tracking for Short-Term Multi-Company Networks. Int. J. of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management , Vol. 34, No. 7, 2004. pp. 545-564 Download as PDF.
  45. KÄRKKÄINEN, Mikko, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary. Wireless item identification: a solution for e-commerce fulfilment problems. Int. J. of Electronic Business, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2004. pp. 108-120.
  46. FRÄMLING, Kary. Reinforcement Learning in a Noisy Environment: Light-seeking Robot. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 2, Vol. 3, 2004. pp. 714-719. Download as PDF.
  47. KÄRKKÄINEN, Mikko, ALA-RISKU, Timo, FRÄMLING, Kary. The product centric approach: a solution to supply network information management problems? Computers in Industry, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2003. pp. 147-159. Download as PDF.
  48. KÄRKKÄINEN, Mikko, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary, ARTTO, Karlos. Intelligent products - a step towards a more effective project delivery chain. Computers in Industry, Volume 50, Issue 2 February 2003. pp. 141-151. Download as PDF.
  49. HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary, TUOMI, Jukka, KÄRKKÄINEN, Mikko, ALA-RISKU, Timo. Implementing Collaboration Process Networks. International Journal of Logistics Management, Volume 13, Number 2, 2002. pp. 39-50. Download as PDF.
  50. HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary, KAIPIA, Riikka, SARANEN, Juha. Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment: New solutions needed for mass collaboration. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Volume 7, Number 3, 2002. pp. 136-145. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS. This paper received the Highly Commended Award of Emerald Literati Club (one of the four most highly ranked papers of the journal in 2002).


  1. FRÄMLING, Kary, HARDING, Chris, HELLBACH, Robert, ISOJÄRVI, Lauri, KINNUNEN, Tuomas, KOLYVAKIS, Prodromos, PIRILÄ, Jussi, ROBERTS, Edward, SCHULDT, Ron, YOO, Min-Jung, SUPPER, Michelle. Open Data Format (O-DF), The Open Group Standard for the Internet of Things (IoT), Version 2.0. The Open Group, 11 Dec 2019. Available as PDF at or directly as PDF. ISBN 1-947754-41-6.
  2. FRÄMLING, Kary, BUDA, Andrea, HARDING, Chris, HELLBACH, Robert, ISOJÄRVI, Lauri, KINNUNEN, Tuomas, KIRITSIS, Dimitris, MADHIKERMI, Manik, PIRILÄ, Jussi, ROBERTS, Edward, SCHULDT, Ron, SUPPER, Michelle. Open Messaging Interface (O-MI), The Open Group Standard for the Internet of Things (IoT), Version 2.0. The Open Group, 11 Dec 2019. Available as PDF at or directly as PDF. ISBN 1-947754-42-3.
  3. The Open Group. Open Data Format (O-DF), an Open Group Internet of Things (IoT) Standard. October 2014. Available online at and as PDF at US ISBN 1-937218-59-1.
  4. The Open Group. Open Messaging Interface (O-MI), an Open Group Internet of Things (IoT) Standard. October 2014. Available online at and as PDF at US ISBN 1-937218-60-7.

Book chapters

  1. KUBLER, Sylvain, FRÄMLING, Kary, ZASLAVSKY, Arkady, DOUKAS, Charalampos, OLIVARES, Eneko, FORTINO, Giancarlo, PALAU, Carlos E., SOURSOS, Sergios, ZARKO, Ivana Podnar, FANG, Yiwei, KRCO, Srdjan, HEINZ, Christopher, GRIMM, Christoph, BROERING, Arne, MITIC, Jelena, OLSTEDT, Kathleen, VERMESAN, Ovidiu. IoT Platforms Initiative. In: VERMESAN, Ovidiu, FRIESS, Peter (ed.) Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital and Virtual Worlds, River Publishers, 2016. pp. 265-292.
  2. FRÄMLING, Kary, BUDA, Andrea, KUBLER, Sylvain, CASSINA, Jacopo, COSCIA, Eva, PARROTTA, Simone, TERZI, Sergio, CERRI, Daniele. LEAP Interoperability Standards. In: KIRITSIS, Dimitris (ed.) Taking the LEAP - The Methods and Tools of the Linked Engineering and Manufacturing Platform (LEAP), Elsevier, 2016. pp. 125-143.
  3. KUBLER, Sylvain, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary, TURKAMA, Petra. Technological Theory of Cloud Manufacturing. In: Borangiu, Theodor; Trentesaux, Damien; Thomas, Andre; McFarlane, Duncan (Eds.) Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing , Volume 640 of the series Studies in Computational Intelligence, pp. 267-276. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016. Available online
  4. KUBLER, Sylvain, MADHIKERMI, Manik, BUDA, Andrea, FRÄMLING, Kary. QLM Messaging Standards: Introduction and Comparison with Existing Messaging Protocols. In: Borangiu, Theodor; Thomas, Andre; Trentesaux, Damien (Eds.) Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi Agent Manufacturing and Robotics , SCI 544, pp. 237-256. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014. DOI: 0.1007/978-3-319-04735-5
  5. FRÄMLING, Kary, PARMAR, Sagar, HINKKA, Ville, TÄTILÄ, Jaakko, RODGERS, Dirk. Assessment of EPCIS standard for Interoperable Tracking in the Supply Chain. In: Borangiu, Theodor; Thomas, Andre; Trentesaux, Damien (Eds.) Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi Agent Manufacturing and Robotics , SCI 472, pp. 119-134. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-35852-4_8. Download as PDF.
  6. FRÄMLING, Kary. Middleware. In: Frey, Markus (ed.) Closed-Loop Product Life Cycle Management Using Smart Embedded Systems , International Society of Automation, USA, 2011. pp. 91-110.
  7. FRÄMLING, Kary. Dual Memory Model for Using Pre-Existing Knowledge in Reinforcement Learning Tasks. In: LNCS 3697 Part 2 , Springer, Berlin. Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), 12-14 September 2005, Warsaw, Poland. pp. 203-208. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  8. KÄRKKÄINEN, Mikko, FRÄMLING, Kary, ALA-RISKU Timo. Integrating material and information flows using a distributed peer-to-peer information system. In: Jagdev H.S., Wortmann J.C., Pels H.J. (eds.) Collaborative Systems for Production Management, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, 2003. pp. 305-319.
    Based on Proceedings of APMS'2002 conference. Eindhoven, Netherlands, 8-13 September 2002. pp. 463-473. Download as PDF.
  9. FRÄMLING, Kary. Reducing state space exploration in reinforcement learning problems by rapid identification of initial solutions and progressive improvement of them. In: Grmela, Ales, Mastorakis, Nikos E. (editors), Advances in Neural Networks World. Proceedings of 3rd WSES International Conference on Neural Networks and Applications (NNA'02), Interlaken, Switzerland, 12-14 February 2002. pp. 83-88. Download as PDF.

Refereed conference papers

  1. HUOTARI, Matti, FRÄMLING, Kary. Event Classification With Imbalanced and Missing Data for an Air-Handling Unit. Forthcoming: 5th International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, 8-10 July 2022, Fuzhou, China.
  2. FRÄMLING, Kary. Contextual Importance and Utility: a Theoretical Foundation. In: Long G., Yu X., Wang S. (eds) AI 2021: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. AI 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13151. Springer, Cham. pp. 117-128.
    In: Proceedings of the 34th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2-4 February 2022, Sydney. Accessible online: from
  3. MADHIKERMI, Manik, FRÄMLING, Kary, HUOTARI, Matti, MALHI, Avleen. Air Handling Unit Explainability using Contextual Importance and Utility. Proceedings of 18th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, 8-11 November 2021, Beppu, Japan.
  4. MADHIKERMI, Manik, MALHI, Avleen, FRÄMLING, Kary. Context-specific sampling method for contextual explanations. Proceedings of the 29th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, 6-8 October 2021, Brugge, Belgium. pp. 593-598. Accessible online: from
  5. FRÄMLING, Kary, KNAPIC, Samanta, MALHI, Avleen. ciu.image: an R package for Explaining Image Classification with Contextual Importance and Utility. In: Calvaresi D., Najjar A., Winikoff M., Främling K. (Eds.): Explainable and Transparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems (proceedings of EXTRAAMAS 2021), LNCS 12688, pp. 55-62, 2021. Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-82017-6_4. Accessible online: from Springer and Pre-print version here.
  6. FRÄMLING, Kary, WESTBERG, Marcus, JULLUM, Martin, MADHIKERMI, Manik, MALHI, Avleen. Comparison of Contextual Importance and Utility with LIME and Shapley Values. In: Calvaresi D., Najjar A., Winikoff M., Främling K. (Eds.): Explainable and Transparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems (proceedings of EXTRAAMAS 2021), LNCS 12688, pp. 39-54, 2021. Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-82017-6_3. Accessible online: from Springer and Pre-print version here.
  7. ZELVELDER, Amber E, WESTBERG, Marcus, FRÄMLING, Kary. Assessing Explainability in Reinforcement Learning. In: Calvaresi D., Najjar A., Winikoff M., Främling K. (Eds.): Explainable and Transparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems (proceedings of EXTRAAMAS 2021), LNCS 12688, pp. 223-240, 2021. Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-82017-6_14. Accessible online: from Springer.
  8. ANJOMSHOAE, Sule, JIANG, Lili, FRÄMLING, Kary. Visual explanations for DNNS with contextual importance. In: Calvaresi D., Najjar A., Winikoff M., Främling K. (Eds.): Explainable and Transparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems (proceedings of EXTRAAMAS 2021), LNCS 12688, pp. 83-96, 2021. Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-82017-6_6. Accessible online: from Springer.
  9. FRÄMLING, Kary. Contextual Importance and Utility in R: the 'ciu' Package. In: Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Explainable Agency in Artificial Intelligence, at 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Virtual, Online. February 8-9, 2021. pp. 110-114. Available online at CIU_XAI_WS_AAAI2021.pdf
  10. HUOTARI, M, ARORA, S, MALHI, A, FRÄMLING, K. A Dynamic Battery State-of-Health Forecasting Model for Electric Trucks: Li-Ion Batteries Case-Study. In: Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 8: Energy. Virtual, Online. November 16-19, 2020.
  11. WESTBERG, Marcus, FRÄMLING, Kary. Cognitive Perspectives on Context-based Decisions and Explanations. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence, co-located with International Conference of Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020). Online Event, January 8, 2021. Accessible online: Google Drive.
  12. ANJOMSHOAE, Sule, KAMPIK, Timotheus, FRÄMLING, Kary. Py-CIU: A Python Library for Explaining Machine Learning Predictions Using Contextual Importance and Utility. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence, co-located with International Conference of Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020). Online Event, January 8, 2021. Accessible online: Google Drive.
  13. FOULADGAR, Nazanin, ALIREZAIE, Marjan, FRÄMLING, Kary. Decision Explanation: Applying Contextual Importance and Contextual Utility in Affect Detection. In: Proceedings of the Italian Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence, co-located with 19th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence(AIxIA 2020). Online Event, November 25-26, 2020. pp. 1-13. Accessible online:
  14. NURMINEN, Antti, MALHI, Avleen, JOHANSSON, Lasse, FRÄMLING, Kary. A Clean Air Journey Planner for pedestrians using high resolution near real time air quality data. In: Proceedings of the 2020 16th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, IE 2020. pp. 44-51. doi: 10.1109/IE49459.2020.9155068 Accessible online: from IEEE.
  15. FRÄMLING, Kary. Decision Theory Meets Explainable AI. In: Calvaresi D., Najjar A., Winikoff M., FrÄmling K. (Eds.): EXTRAAMAS 2020, LNAI 12175, pp. 57-74, 2020. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Accessible online: from Springer.
  16. MALHI, Avleen, KNAPIC, Samanta, FRÄMLING, Kary. Explainable Agents for Less Bias in Human-Agent Decision Making. In: Calvaresi D., Najjar A., Winikoff M., Främling K. (eds) Explainable, Transparent Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. EXTRAAMAS 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12175. Springer, Cham. Accessible online: from Springer.
  17. JAVED, Asad, MALHI, Avleen, FRäMLING, Kary. Edge Computing based Fault-Tolerant Framework: A Case Study on Vehicular Networks. In: Proceedings of the 16th International conference on Wireless Communications \amp Mobile Computing (IWCMC 2020).
  18. MONGA, Hitesh, KINNUNEN, Tuomas Kinnunen, MALHI, Avleen, JAVED, Asad, FRÄMLING, Kary. An OAuth-based Authentication Mechanism for Open Messaging Interface Standard. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ICAART, Valletta, Malta, February 22-24, 2020. pp. 216-225. Accessible online: from SciTePress.
  19. KAMPIK, Timotheus, MALHI, Avleen, FRÄMLING, Kary. Agent-based Business Process Orchestration for IoT. In: WI'19, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence. New York, ACM Press, 2019, p. 393-397.
  20. MALHI, Avleen, KAMPIK, Timotheus, PANNU, Husanbir Singh, MADHIKERMI, Manik, FRÄMLING, Kary. Explaining Machine Learning based Classifications of in-vivo Gastral Images. In: Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2019), Perth, Australia, December 2-4, 2019. Accessible online: from IEEE Explore.
  21. RANA, Ashish, MALHI, Avleen, FRÄMLING, Kary. Exploring numerical calculations with CalcNet. In: Proceedings of IEEE 31st International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2019), Portland, Oregon, November 4-6, 2019. pp. 1366-1371. DOI 10.1109/ICTAI.2019.00-73
  22. MADHIKERMI, Manik, MALHI, Avleen, FRÄMLING, Kary. Explainable artificial intelligence based heat recycler fault detection in air handling unit. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11763 LNAI; Revised Selected Papers of Explainable, Transparent Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems - 1st International Workshop, EXTRAAMAS 2019, Montreal, Canada, May 13-14, 2019.
  23. ANJOMSHOAE, Sule, FRÄMLING, Kary, NAJJAR, Amro. Explanations of black-box model predictions by contextual importance and utility. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11763 LNAI; Revised Selected Papers of Explainable, Transparent Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems - 1st International Workshop, EXTRAAMAS 2019, Montreal, Canada, May 13-14, 2019. pp. 95-109. Available online: here.
  24. ANJOMSHOAE, Sule, NAJJAR, Amro, CALVARESI, Davide, FRÄMLING, Kary. Explainable Agents and Robots: Results from a Systematic Literature Review. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems / [ed] N. Agmon, M. E. Taylor, E. Elkind, M. Veloso, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, 2019. pp. 1078-1088.
  25. JAVED, Asad, YOUSEFNEZHAD, Narges, ROBERT, Jérémy, HELJANKO, Keijo, FRÄMLING, Kary. Access Time Improvement Framework for Standardized IoT Gateways. In: Proceedings of the Pervasive Computing (PerCom), Third International Workshop on Mobile and Pervasive Internet of Things (PerIoT), 11-15 March 2019, Kyoto, Japan.
  26. MADHIKERMI, Manik, FRÄMLING, Kary. Data discovery method for Extract-Transform-Load. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Management and Industrial Engineering (ICII 2019), 15-17 February 2019, Cape Town, South Africa.
  27. MADHIKERMI, Manik, YOUSEFNEZHAD, Narges, FRÄMLING, Kary. Heat Recovery Unit Failure Detection in Air Handling Unit. In: Proceedings of Advanced Production Managements Systems (APMS), 26-30 August 2018, Seoul, Korea.
  28. KARPENKO, Anastasiia, KINNUNEN, Tuomas, FRÄMLING, Kary, DAVE, Bhargav. Open IoT Ecosystem for Smart EV Charging. In: Proceedings of the Global IoT Summit, 4-7 June 2018, Bilbao, Spain.
  29. JAVED, Asad, HELJANKO, Keijo, BUDA, Andrea, FRÄMLING, Kary. CEFIoT: A Fault Tolerant IoT Architecture for Edge and Cloud. In: Proceedings of the 4th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, 5-8 February 2018, 2Singapore.
  30. MADHIKERMI, Manik, BUDA, Andrea, DAVE, Bhargav, FRÄMLING, Kary. Key data quality pitfalls for condition based maintenance. In: Proceedings of the 2ND IEEE International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS), 20-22 December 2017, Milan, Italy. pp. 474-480.
  31. MADHIKERMI, Manik, BUDA, Andrea, DAVE, Bhargav, FRÄMLING, Kary. Data Model Logger - Data Discovery for Extract-Transform-Load. In: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems (DSS-2017), 18-20 December 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
  32. HEFNAWY, Ahmed, ELHARIRI, Taha, BOURAS, Abdelaziz, CHERIFI, Chantal, ROBERT, Jèrèmy, KUBLER, Sylvain, FRÄMLING, Kary. Combined Use of Lifecycle Management and IoT in Smart Cities. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management & Applications (SKIMA-2017), 6-8 December 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  33. YOUSEFNEZHAD, Narges, FILIPPOV, Roman, JAVED, Asad, BUDA, Andrea, MADHIKERMI, Manik, FRÄMLING, Kary. Authentication and Access Control for Open Messaging Interface Standard. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MOBIQUITOUS 2017), 7-10 November 2017, Melbourne, Australia.
  34. BUDA, Andrea, KINNUNEN, Tuomas, DAVE, Bhargav, FRÄMLING, Kary. Developing a Campus Wide Building Information System Based on Open Standards. In: Proceedings of the 2017 Lean & Computing in Construction Congress (LC3), 4-12 July 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. DOI: 10.24928/JC3-2017/0338
  35. KUBLER, Sylvain, ROBERT, Jeremy, HEFNAWY, Ahmed, CHERIFI, Chantal, BOURAS, Abdelaziz, FRÄMLING, Kary. IoT-based Smart Parking System for Sporting Event Management. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MOBIQUITOUS 2016), 28 November - 1 December 2016, Hiroshima, Japan. pp. 104-114.
  36. ROBERT, Jeremy, KUBLER, Sylvain, LE TRAON, Yves, FRÄMLING, Kary. O-MI/O-DF Standards as Interoperability Enablers for Industrial Internet: a Traffic Load Analysis. In: 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2016), 24-27 October 2016, Firenze, Italy.
  37. BACKMAN, Jere, VÄRE, Janne, FRÄMLING, Kary, MADHIKERMI, Manik; NYKÄNEN, Ossi. IoT-based interoperability framework for asset and fleet management. In: 21st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 6-9 September 2016, Berlin, Germany.
  38. KUBLER, Sylvain, BUDA, Andrea, ROBERT, Jeremy, FRÄMLING, Kary, LE TRAON, Yves. Building Lifecycle Management System for Enhanced Closed Loop Collaboration. In: Proceedings of 13rd IFIP International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM16), 11-13 July 2016, Columbia, USA.
  39. HEFNAWY, Ahmed, ELHARIRI, Taha, BOURAS, Abdelaziz, CHERIFI, Chantal, ROBERT, Jeremy, KUBLER, Sylvain, FRÄMLING, Kary. Lifecycle Management in the Smart City Context: Smart Parking Use-Case. In: Proceedings of 13rd IFIP International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM16), 11-13 July 2016, Columbia, USA.
  40. DAVE, Bhargav, KUBLER, Sylvain, PIKAS, Ergo, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary, SINGH, Vishal, KOSKELA, Lauri. Intelligent products: shifting the production control logic in construction (with Lean and BIM). In: Proceedings of 23rd Global Lean Construction Conference 2015, 28-31 July 2015, Perth, Australia.
  41. KUBLER, Sylvain, YOO, Min-Jung, CASSAGNES, Cyril, FRÄMLING, Kary, KIRITSIS, Dimitris, SKILTON, Mark. Opportunity to Leverage Information-as-an-Asset in the IoT - The road ahead. In: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud 2015), 24-26 August 2015, Rome, Italy.
  42. MADHIKERMI, Manik, KUBLER, Sylvain, BUDA, Andrea, MIRZAEIFAR, Saeed, FRÄMLING, Kary. Data Quality Assessment of Company's Maintenance Reporting: A Case Study. In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA 2015), 20-22 July 2015, Colmar, France.
  43. CERRI, Daniele, TAISCH, Marco, TERZI, Sergio, BUDA, Andrea, FRÄMLING, Kary, EL KADIRI, Soumaya, MILICIC, Ana, KIRITSIS, Dimitris, PARROTTA, Simone, PEUKERT, Eric. Proposal of a Closed Loop Framework for the Improvement of Industrial Systems' Life Cycle Performances: Experiences from the LinkedDesign Project. In: Procedia CIRP: The 22nd CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Vol. 29, 2015. pp. 126-131.
  44. BUDA, Andrea, MADHIKERMI, Manik, MIRZAEIFAR, Saeed, FRÄMLING, Kary. Data supply chain in Industrial Internet. In: Proceedings of 11th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2015), 27-29 May 2015, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
  45. KUBLER, Sylvain, MADHIKERMI, Manik, BUDA, Andrea, FRÄMLING, Kary, DERIGENT, William, THOMAS, André. Towards data exchange interoperability in building lifecycle management. Proceedings of 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology & Factory Automation (ETFA 2014), 16-19 September 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
  46. KUBLER, Sylvain, SHRESTA, Neela, FRÄMLING, Kary. Standardized framework for integrating domain-specific applications into the IoT. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud-2014), 27-29 August 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
  47. KUBLER, Sylvain, NARGUND, Irfan, FRÄMLING, Kary, DERIGENT, William. Peer-to-peer data synchronization agents. Proceedings of IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, August 11-14, Warsaw, Poland.
  48. DAVE, Bhargav, KUBLER, Sylvain, FRÄMLING, Kary, KOSKELA, Lauri. Challenges and opportunities in implementing lean and BIM on an infrastructure project. Proceedings of International Group for Lean Construction Conference - IGLC 2014, June 23-27, Oslo, Norway.
  49. KUBLER, Sylvain, MADHIKERMI, Manik, BUDA, Andrea, FRÄMLING, Kary, THOMAS, André. Two-way communications through firewalls using QLM messaging. In: Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (Mobiquitous 2013), December 2 4, 2013, Tokyo, Japan.
  50. SKÖN, Jukka-Pekka, RÖNKKÖ, Mauno, RAATIKAINEN, Mika, JUHOLA, Martti, FRÄMLING, Kary, KOLEHMAINEN, Mikko. Research on Computational Intelligence for Co-Learning Enabled Healthy and Sustainable Housing. In: Proceedings of Advances in Control Engineering (ACE-2013), Istanbul, TURKEY, September 5-7, 2013.
  51. PARROTTA, Simone, CASSINA, Jacopo, TAISCH, Marco, TERZI, Sergio, POTTER, David, FRÄMLING, Kary. Proposal of an interoperability standard supporting PLM and knowledge sharing. In: Advances in Production Management Systems. Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chains, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS), Penn State Conference Center, State College, Pennsylvania, USA, 9-12 September 2013. pp. 286-293.
  52. KUBLER, Sylvain, FRÄMLING, Kary, MADHIKERMI, Manik. Deferred retrieval of IoT information using QLM messaging interface. In: Matera, Maristella, Rossi, Gustavo (eds.): Trends in Mobile Web Information Systems: Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS 2013), Coral Beach Hotel & Resort, Cyprus, 26-28 August 2013. pp. 57-65.
  53. KUBLER, Sylvain, DERIGENT, William, RONDEAU, Eric, THOMAS, André, FRÄMLING, Kary. Embedded data on intelligent products - impact on real-time applications. In: Matera, Maristella, Rossi, Gustavo (eds.): Trends in Mobile Web Information Systems: Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS 2013), Coral Beach Hotel & Resort, Cyprus, 26-28 August 2013. pp. 25-24.
  54. FRÄMLING, Kary, MAHARJAN, Merina. Standardized Communication between Intelligent Products for the IoT (Internet of Things). In: Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales Guerra, Silva, José Reinaldo (eds.) 11th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS 13), São Paulo, Brazil, May 2013. pp. 157-162. DOI: 10.3182/20130522-3-BR-4036.00043
  55. KUBLER, Sylvain, DERIGENT, William, VOISIN, Alexandre, FRÄMLING, Kary, THOMAS, Andre. Methods of Aggregation of Expert Opinions in the Framework of Intelligent Products. In: Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales Guerra, Silva, José Reinaldo (eds.) 11th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS 13), São Paulo, Brazil, May 2013. pp. 163-168. DOI: 10.3182/20130522-3-BR-4036.00053
  56. HINKKA, Ville, FRÄMLING, Kary, TÄTILÄ, Jaakko. Solutions for Inter-Organizational Information System Implementation in Supply Chains: Focus on Differences in Buyer and Supplier Incentives. To appear: Proceedings of 24th Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference (NOFOMA 2012) , June 6-8, 2012, Naantali, Finland.
  57. MIRZABEIKI, Vahid, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary. Collaborative Tracking: The Value of a Composite Design. To appear: Proceedings of 24th Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference (NOFOMA 2012) , June 6-8, 2012, Naantali, Finland.
  58. FRÄMLING, Kary, HINKKA, Ville, PARMAR, Sagar, TÄTILÄ, Jaakko. Assessment of Standards for Inter-organizational Tracking Information Exchange in the Supply Chain. Proceedings of 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2012) , May 23-25, 2012, Bucharest, Romania. pp. 661-666. Download as PDF.
  59. FRÄMLING, Kary, NYMAN, Jan, KAUSTELL, André, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan. Instance-informed information systems: a pre-requisite for energy-efficient and green information systems. In Proceedings of Eighth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems:Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2011) , December 6-8, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark. Download as PDF.
  60. FRÄMLING, Kary, LOUKKOLA, Juha, NYMAN, Jan, KAUSTELL, André. Intelligent Products in Real-Life Applications. In Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM'2011) , May 25-27, 2011, Metz, France. pp. 1343-1351. Download as PDF.
  61. FRÄMLING, Kary, OLIVER, Ian, NYMAN, Jan, HONKOLA, Jukka. Smart Spaces for Ubiquitously Smart Buildings. In: Proceedings of Third International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM) , Sliema, Malta, October 11-16, 2009. pp. 295-300. Selected as one of the Best Papers of the conference. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  62. OLIVER, Ian, FRÄMLING, Kary, JANTUNEN, Joni, BOLDYREV, Sergey, HONKOLA, Jukka. Integration and Uses of RF Memory Tags with Smart Space Semantic Web Middleware. In: Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation , Palma de Mallorca, September 22-26.2009. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  63. FRÄMLING, Kary, NYMAN, Jan. From Tracking with RFID to Intelligent Products. In: Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation , Palma de Mallorca, September 22-26.2009. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  64. HINKKA, Ville, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary. Tracking in the book selling industry: where to attach rfid tags in the supply chain? In: Proceedings of 21st Annual Conference of the Nordic Logistics Research Network (NOFOMA), JÖnkÖping, Sweden , June 11-12, 2009. pp. 333-348.
  65. ILIE-ZUDOR, Elisabeth, KEMENY, Zsolt, SZATHMARI, Marcell, NYMAN, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary, HINKKA, Ville, PATKAÏ, Bela. Entry-level solutions for small and medium-size enterprises in supply chains In: Proc. 10th International Conference on the Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises Prague (MITIP) , 12-14 November 2008, Czech Republic. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  66. FRÄMLING, Kary, NYMAN, Jan. The compromise between Security and Usability in the Internet of Things. In: Smeds, R. (ed.): Proceedings of Adavanced Production Management Systems (APMS) , Sept. 15-17, 2008, Espoo, Finland. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  67. CHEIKHROUHOU, Naoufel, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FARINE, Gael, FRÄMLING, Kary. Human and organisational factors in after-sales supply network planning and control : the case of a product centric system. In: Proceedings of 1st HOPS conference , Sept. 8-9, 2008, Lausanne.
  68. FRÄMLING, Kary, NYMAN, Jan. Information Architecture for Intelligent Products in the Internet of Things. In: Autere V., Bask A., Kovács G., Spens K. & Tanskanen K. (eds.): Beyond Business Logistics; Proceedings of 20th NOFOMA logistic conference , Helsinki, Finland, 5-6 June, 2008. pp. 221-232. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  69. NYMAN, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary, MICHEL, Vincent. Gathering Product Data from Smart Products. To appear In: Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) , Barcelona, Spain, 12-16 June, 2008. pp. 252-257. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  70. FRÄMLING, Kary. Light-weight reinforcement learning with function approximation for real-life control tasks. In: Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO) , Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 11-15 May, 2008. pp. 127-134. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  71. LAAKSO, Mikko, KAJOSAARI, Risto, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary. Open-Source Demo System to Support Automated Identification and Tracking Workshops. In: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2007) , Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, September 22-25, 2007. pp. 1008-1013.
  72. CORCELLE, Cecile, FRÄMLING, Kary, RABE, Lutz, ANKE, Jürgen, PETROW, Jouni. Assessment of item-specific information management approaches in the area of heavy load vehicles. In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management , Stezzano, Italy, 11-13 July 2007. pp. 773-782. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  73. FRÄMLING, Kary Replacing eligibility trace for action-value learning with function approximation. In: Verleysen, M. (ed) Proceedings of the 15th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks , April 25-27 2007, Bruges, Belgium. pp. 313-318. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  74. TOSSAVAINEN, Teppo, FRÄMLING, Kary Framework for analysis of coupling and openness in AutoID- and RFID systems. In: Proceedings of the EU RFID FORUM 2007 , March 13-14 2007, Brussels, Belgium. Download as PDF.
  75. HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary. Product Centric Integration: Exploring the Impact of RFID and Agent Technology on Supply Chain Management. In: Camarinha-Matos, L., Afsarmanesh, H, Ollus, M. (eds.), Network-Centric Collaboration and Supporting Frameworks (Proceedings of PRO-VE’06 7th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, 25-27 September 2006, Helsinki, Finland) , Springer. pp. 565-572. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  76. ILIE-ZUDOR, Elisabeth, FRÄMLING, Kary, HOLMSTROM, Jan, MONOSTORI, László. Identity-based tracking of products and product data in changing networks. In: Proceedings of The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises (MITIP'2006) , 11-12 September 2006, Budapest, Hungary. pp.15-22. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  77. FRÄMLING, Kary, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan. How to create evolving information models by a layered information architecture. In: Proceedings of The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises (MITIP'2006) , 11-12 September 2006, Budapest, Hungary. pp.173-178. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  78. FRÄMLING, Kary, HARRISON, Mark, BRUSEY, James. Globally unique product identifiers - requirements and solutions to product lifecycle management. In: Dolgui, A, Morel, G., Pereira, C.E. (eds.), Proceedings of 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM) , 17-19 May 2006, Saint-Etienne, France. pp. 855-860. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  79. FRÄMLING, Kary, RABE, Lutz. Enriching product information during the product lifecycle. In: Dolgui, A, Morel, G., Pereira, C.E. (eds.), Proceedings of 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM) , 17-19 May 2006, Saint-Etienne, France. pp. 861-866. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  80. HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary. Exploration of the impact of RFID and agent technology on operations management. In: Proceedings of First International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology , 24-25 February 2006, Claremont, California. Download as PDF.
  81. KÄRKKÄINEN, Mikko, ALA-RISKU, Timo, FRÄMLING, Kary, COLLIN, Jari. Establishing inventory transparency to temporary storage locations. In: Proceedings of Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS) , 18-21 September 2005, Washington, USA. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  82. ANKE, Jürgen, FRÄMLING, Kary. Distributed Decision Support in a PLM scenario. In: Proceedings of Product Data Technology Europe 14th Symposium , 26-28 September 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp 129-137. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  83. FRÄMLING, Kary, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan. Design Patterns for Managing Product Lifecycle Information. In: Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR) , 31 July to 4 August 2005, Salerno, Italy. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  84. FRÄMLING, Kary. Bi-Memory Model for Guiding Exploration by Pre-existing Knowledge. In: Kurt Driessens, Alan Fern, Martijn van Otterlo (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Rich Representations for Reinforcement Learning, 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) , 7 August 2005, Bonn, Germany. pp. 21-26. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  85. HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, FRÄMLING, Kary. Design patterns for loosely coupled track, trace, configuration, and check operations in multi-company environments. Proceedings of EUROMA'2005 conference , 19-22 June 2005, Budapest, Hungary. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  86. FRÄMLING, Kary. Adaptive robot learning in a non-stationary environment. Proceedings of European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN) , 27-29 April 2005, Bruges, Belgium. pp. 381-386. Download as PDF, Zipped PS, PS.
  87. FRÄMLING, Kary. Scaled gradient descent learning rate - Reinforcement learning with light-seeking robot. Proceedings of ICINCO'2004 conference , 25-28 August 2004, Setubal, Spain. pp. 3-11. Download as PDF.
  88. FRÄMLING, Kary, KÄRKKÄINEN, Mikko, ALA-RISKU Timo, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan. Managing Product Information in Supplier Networks by Object Oriented Programming Concepts. In: Taisch, Marco, Filos, Erastos, Garello, Paolo, Lewis, Kevin, Montorio, Marco (eds.) Proceedings of IMS International Forum , Cernobbio, Italy, 17-19 May 2004. pp. 1424-1431. Download as PDF.
  89. HUVIO, Eero, GRÖNVALL, John, FRÄMLING, Kary. Tracking and tracing parcels using a distributed computing approach. In: SOLEM, Olav (ed.) Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference for Nordic Researchers in Logistics (NOFOMA'2002) , Trondheim, Norway, 12-14 June 2002. pp. 29-43. Download as PDF.
  90. SMÅROS, Johanna, FRÄMLING, Kary. Peer-to-peer information systems - an enabler of collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment. Logistics Research Network 6th Annual Conference. Edinburgh, UK, 13-14 September 2001. Download as PDF.
  91. FRÄMLING, Kary, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan. A Distributed Software for Collaborative Sales Forecasting. Proceedings of the Management and Control of Production and Logistics MCPL'2000 conference, 5-8 July 2000. Grenoble, France, 2000. Editor: Binder, published by IFAC Publications, Elsevier Science Ltd. Download as PDF.
  92. FRÄMLING, Kary. Explaining Results of Neural Networks by Contextual Importance and Utility. In: Robert Andrews and Joachim Diederich (eds.), Rules and networks: Proceedings of the Rule Extraction from Trained Artificial Neural Networks Workshop, AISB'96 conference, 1-2 April 1996. Brighton, UK, 1996. Download as PDF.
  93. FRÄMLING, Kary, GRAILLOT, Didier. Extracting Explanations from Neural Networks. ICANN'95 proceedings, Vol. 1, Paris, France, 9-13 October, 1995. Paris: EC2 & Cie, 1995. pp. 163-168. Download as PDF.
  94. FRÄMLING, Kary, HAMMARSTRÖM, Leif. A Distributed Heuristic Expert System for Simulation and Production Planning in Petrochemical Industries. Proceedings of the "Knowledge-based Production Planning, Scheduling and Control" workshop at IJCAI'93. Chambery, France, 29 August - 3 September 1993. pp. 149-158. Download as PDF.
  95. FRÄMLING, Kary, HAMMARSTRÖM, Leif. Object-oriented tool for modeling, simulation and production planning in petrochemical industries. Proceedings of the conference "Representation Par Objets (RPO'93)". La grande motte, France, 17-18 June 1993. pp. 169-180. Download as PDF.
  96. GRAILLOT, Didier, FRÄMLING, Kary, BUCHA, Jindrich. Waste Placement Decision Support System. HELECO'93 proceedings, Vol. 2, 1-4 April, 1993. Athens: Technical Chamber of Greece, 1993. pp. 16-29.


  1. FRÄMLING, Kary, BÄCKSTRÖM, Kristian, NYMAN, Jan, LÖKFORS, Jesper. System for Method for Secured Logging of Events. US Patent: US 11,343,107 B2, 24 May 2022. Accessible online (accessed 8aug2022):

Other presentations

  1. FRÄMLING, Kary. Secure trust and information access for the Internet of Things. Keynote presentation at The Open Group Conference, Open Platform 3.0™ track, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 23, 2017. Slides available as PDF.
  2. FRÄMLING, Kary. QLM: standardized interfaces for CPS. Presented at conference: "Cyber-Physical Systems: Uplifting Europe's innovation capacity" in Brussels on 29-30 October 2013. Download as PDF.
  3. FRÄMLING, Kary. Universal Identifiers - How to connect Things and Information about Things. RFID and Information Architectures Workshop, Cambridge University, 12 April 2007. Download as PDF.
  4. FRÄMLING, Kary, GRAILLOT, Didier, INSTALLÉ, Michel. Apprentissage interactif des fonctions de préférences par réseaux de neurones. Abstracts of the FRANCORO'95 conference. Mons, Belgium, 11-14 June 1995. p. 41.
  5. FRÄMLING, Kary. L'apport des réseaux de neurones dans un système d'aide à la décision. Proceedings of the fifth annual meeting of the ACTH association: VALGO'93. Larnas, France, 25-29 May 1993. pp. 58-65.
  6. FRÄMLING, Kary. Connectionist Techniques for Detecting Anomalies in Urban Networks. Proceedings of the Fourth European Junior Scientist Course: Assessment of Modeling Uncertainties and Measurement Errors in Hydrology. Saint-Etienne, France, 1992. pp. 99-119.

Research reports

  1. The Open Group. An Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) and Lifecycle Management . White paper of The Open Group IoT Work Group, 2016. 19p. Available at (May 17th, 2016).
  2. The Open Group. Open Platform 3.0 . Open Group Snapshot, 2014. 55p. Available at (November 8th, 2014).
  3. The Open Group. An Introduction to Quantum Lifecycle Management (QLM) . White paper of QLM Work Group, 2012. 13p. Available at (November 8th, 2014).
  4. SOININEN, Juha-Pekka, LIUHA, Petri, LAPPETELÄINEN, Antti, HONKOLA, Jukka, FRÄMLING, Kary, RAISAMO, Roope. Device interoperability: Emergence of the smart environment ecosystems . White paper of Tivit/DIEM project, 2010. 26p. Available at whitepaper.pdf (June 10th, 2010).
  5. FRÄMLING, Kary, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, ALA-RISKU, Timo, KÄRKKAINEN, Mikko. Product agents for handling information about physical objects . Report of Laboratory of Information Processing Science series B, TKO-B 153/03, Helsinki University of Technology, 2003. 20 p. Download as PDF .
  6. FRÄMLING, Kary. Guiding Initial State-space Exploration by Action Ranking and Episodic Memory. Report of Laboratory of Information Processing Science series B, TKO-B 152/03, Helsinki University of Technology, 2003. 19 p. Download as PDF .
  7. FRÄMLING, Kary. Tracking of material flow by an Internet-based product data management system (in Finnish: Tavaravirran seuranta osana Internet-pohjaista tuotetiedon hallintaa). Tieke EDISTY magazine, No. 1, 2002, Publication of Tieke (Finnish Information Society Development Centre), Finland, 2002. pp. 24-25. Download as PDF.
  8. FRÄMLING, Kary. OngelmalÄhtÖisen opetuksen soveltaminen ohjelmointikurssilla "Java Basics". In: Ahonen, Anna-Maija, Yanar, Anu, editors, Yopas Yotakin! Opettajien Oivalluksia Opetuksesta, Publication of Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, 2002. pp 65-72. (in Finnish).
  9. FRÄMLING, Kary, HOLMSTRÖM, Jan, JÄRVINEN, Pekka. DIALOG Project Plan: Distributed Information Architectures for collaborative LOGistics. Tekes project funding application. TAI Research Intstitute, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, 2001. 10 p.
  10. FRÄMLING, Kary. Neurala nÄt - var blev revolutionen? In: Från morgondagenstelekommunikation till den mentala hÄlsans Öppna landskap - InstallationsfÖrelÄsningar vid Arcada, Arcada Polytechnic Research Report 3/2001, Espoo, Finland, 2001. pp. 49-54.
  11. FRÄMLING, Kary. Modélisation et apprentissage des préférences par réseaux de neurones pour l'aide à la décision multicritère. PhD. thesis : Institut National de Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France, 1996. 209 p. Download as PDF. Remark: some administrative pages are missing in the beginning compared to the printed version. There might also be some visual differences compared to the original when printing the PDF. Please contact me if you want a printed version.
  12. FRÄMLING, Kary, GRAILLOT, Didier. Système d'Aide à la Décision pour le choix de centres de stockage de déchets - StocDech, Guide d'installation, Guide de l'utilisateur, Guide de l'administrateur, Description des méthodes d'aide à la décision utilisées. Saint-Etienne: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, France, 1994. 91 p.
  13. FRÄMLING, Kary. Les réseaux de neurones comme outils d'aide à la décision floue. D.E.A. (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies) thesis, Institut National de Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, Ingénierie Informatique, 1992. 55 p. Download as PDF.
  14. FRÄMLING, Kary. Using object oriented models for the scheduling of production in petrochemical industries. MSc. thesis : Helsinki University of Technology, 1990. 86 p.
  15. FRÄMLING Kary. Measuring the shape of a cylindric object using the two-point method. Internal research report, Helsinki University of Technology (in Finnish), 1990. 37 p.
  16. FRÄMLING Kary. Measuring straightness using the two-point method. Internal research report, Helsinki University of Technology (in Finnish), 1990. 30 p.
  17. FRÄMLING Kary. Expert system to identify the most appropriate specialists on accidental water pollution. Internal research report, École des Mines de Saint-Etienne (in French and Swedish), 1989. 29 p.

Articles popularizing science

  1. FRÄMLING, Kary, LOUKKOLA, Juha, NYMAN, Jan. Ajoneuvot ja tavarat nettiseurantaan. Prosessori Issue 11, 2010. pp. 55-57.
  2. FRÄMLING, Kary. Messaging for Instance-level Product Lifecycle Information Management. 2PLM Newsletter , Vol. 12, No.25, March 15, 2010.
  3. RAISAMO, Roope, LIUHA, Petri, SOININEN, Juha-Pekka, FRÄMLING, Kary, MATTILA, Ville-Veikko, PUOLAKANAHO, Pertti, TÖRNBERG, Vesa, LIUKKUNEN, Kari. DIEM yhdistää laitteet ja järjestelmät. Prosessori , Issue 11, 2009.
  4. SERKKOLA, Ari, FRÄMLING, Kary, NYMAN, Jan. Kodin elektroniikka integroidaan asukkaiden käyttöliittymäksi. Talotekniikka , Issue 4, 2009.

Working papers

Member of Editorial Board for following journals

  1. Computers in Industry
  2. Sensors journal, section Internet of Things
  3. International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology
  4. ISRN Software Engineering.

Acting as Reviewer for following journals

  1. Pattern Recognition
  2. MIS Quarterly
  3. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
  4. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
  5. Journal for Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)
  6. Web Intelligence & Agent Systems
  7. International Journal of Neural Systems (IJNS)
  8. Computers in Industry
  9. IEEE Software
  10. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
  11. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
  12. Future Generation Computer Systems
  13. Mobile Networks and Applications
  14. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT)
  15. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EAAI)
  16. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (JAISE)
  17. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
  18. The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
  19. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal
  20. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
  21. ISRN Software Engineering
  22. International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology
  23. International Journal of Logistics Management
  24. Finnish Journal of Business Economics
  25. Semantic Web journal
  26. Central European Journal of Operations Research
  27. Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications
  28. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
  29. Computers and Electrical Engineering
  30. Production Planning & Control
  31. Neural Computing & Applications
  32. IEEE Access
  33. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
  34. Sustainable Cities and Society
  35. Automation in Construction
  36. Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics
  37. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Quarterly
  38. Book proposal reviewer for Elsevier
  39. Book proposal reviewer for Springer

Acting as journal/conference reviewer or member of conference committees

  1. Member of Program Committee of IJCAI-ECAI 2022 (31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence) , July 23-29, 2022, Vienna, Austria.
  2. Member of Program Committee of PAAMS'22 (20th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems) , 13-15 July 2022, L'Aquila, Italy.
  3. Member of Program Committee of 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS-2022) , 9-13 May, 2022, Auckland, New Zealand.
  4. Member of Program Committee of 19th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS'21) , 6th-8th October, 2021, Salamanca, Spain.
  5. Member of Program and Organization Committees of 18th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2021) , November 8-11, 2021, Beppu, Japan.
  6. Program Chair of 3rd International Workshop on EXplainable, TRansparent Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (EXTRAAMAS 2021) , AAMAS (International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems), 3-7 May 2021, London (Virtual).
  7. Member of Program Committee of ECML/PKDD 21 (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases) , 13-17 September 2021, Virtual (Bilbao).
  8. Member of Program Committee of AAMAS-2021 (20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems) , 3-7 May 2021, London (Virtual).
  9. Member of Program Committee of 1st Workshop on Explainable Agency in Artificial Intelligence at 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, February 2-9 2021, Virtual Conference.
  10. Member of Program Committee of AAAI-21 (35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence) , February 2-9 2021, Virtual Conference.
  11. Member of Program Committee of IJCAI 2021 (30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence) , August 21-26 2021, Montreal, Canada.
  12. Member of Program Committee of 17th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2020) , November 9-11, 2020, Darmstadt, Germany.
  13. Member of Program Committee of IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 (29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence) , 11-17 July 2020, Yokohama, Japan.
  14. Member of Program Committee of ECAI2020 (24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence) , 8-12 June 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
  15. Member of Program Committee of PAAMS'20 (18th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems) , 17-19 June 2020, L'Aquila, Italy.
  16. Member of Technical Program Committee of Global IoT Summit (GIoTS) 2020 , 3-5 June 2020, Dublin, Ireland.
  17. Member of Program Committee of AAAI-20 (34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence) , 7-12 February 2020, New York, USA.
  18. Program Chair of 1st International Workshop on EXplainable, TRansparent Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (EXTRAAMAS 2019) , AAMAS (International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems), 13-17 May 2019, Montreal, Canada.
  19. Member of Technical Program Committee of WF-IoT 2020 (IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things Conference) , 5-9 April 2020, New Orleans, Louisiana USA.
  20. Technical Track Chair of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 19 (Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence), Technical Track on Technologies and Infrastructures for Smart grids, Buildings, and Cities , 22-25 July 2019, Helsinki-Espoo, Finland.
  21. Member of Organising and Program Committee of 6th Swedish Workshop on Data Science (SweDS 2018) , November 20-21, 2018, Umeå University, Sweden.
  22. Member of Program Committee of 15th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2018) , November 5-7, 2018, New York, United States.
  23. Member of Program Committee of 2018 International Conference on Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (CCIOT 2018) , 29-31 October 2018, Singapore.
  24. Member of Program Committee of 3rd International Workshop on Interoperability & Open Source Solutions for the Internet of Things (InterOSS-IoT 2018) , June 2018, Bilbao, Spain.
  25. Member of Program Committee of 7th Workshop on Parallel Programming Models - Special Edition on Edg/Fog/In-situ Computing (MPP 2018), at the 32nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium , May 21 - 25, 2018, Vancouver, Canada.
  26. Member of Technical Program Committee of 14th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2017) , November 8 - 10, 2017, Melbourne, Australia.
  27. Member of Technical Program Committee of 13th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2016) , November 28 - December 1, 2016, Hiroshima, Japan.
  28. Member of Program Committee of 2nd International Workshop on Interoperability & Open Source Solutions for the Internet of Things (InterOSS-IoT 2016) , November 7, 2016, Stuttgart, Germany.
  29. Member of Technical Program Committee of 12th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob'2016) , October, 17-19, 2016, New York, USA.
  30. Member of Technical Program Committee of 5thSOHOMA Workshop on Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing , November, 5-6, 2015, Cambridge, UK.
  31. Member of Technical Program Committee of 11th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob'2015) , October, 19-21, 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  32. Member of Technical Program Committee of 5th International Conference on the Internet of Things , October, 26-28, 2015, Seoul, South Korea.
  33. Member of Technical Program Committee of 10th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob'2014) , October, 8-10, 2014, Larnaca, Cyprus.
  34. Member of Technical Program Committee of 4th International Conference on the Internet of Things , October, 6-8, 2014, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  35. Member of Program Committee of 4th Workshop on Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing , November, 5-6, 2014, Nancy, France.
  36. Member of Technical Program Committee of 2nd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud-2014) , 27-29 August 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
  37. Member of Technical Program Committee of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics AQTR 2014 , May, 22-24, 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  38. Member of Technical Program Committee of Tenth International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2013) , December, 2-4, 2013, Tokyo, Japan.
  39. Organizer of Invited Session on Intelligent Products: concepts, deployments and related aspects for 11th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS 2013) , São Paulo, Brazil, May 22-24, 2013.
  40. Reviewer for IFAC MIM '2013 Conference (Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control) , June 19-21, 2013, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
  41. Member of Technical Program Committee of Ninth International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2012) , December, 12-14, 2012, Beijing, China.
  42. Organizer of Special Session on Intelligent Products in Manufacturing & Services Systems for 2nd International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control Applications (CCCA'2012) , Marseilles, France, December 6-8, 2012.
  43. Member of Scientific Committee of 14th MITIP 2012 (The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises) conference , October 18-19, 2012, Budapest, Hungary.
  44. Organizer of Special Session on Intelligent Products and Reviewer for 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2012) , Bucharest, Romania, May 23-25, 2012.
  45. Member of Technical Program Committee of 3rd International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2012, , October 24-26, 2012, Wuxi, China.
  46. Member of Technical Program Committee of Eighth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2011) , December, 6-8, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  47. Organiser of Special Session on Closed-loop PLM & Intelligent products of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management , May, 25-27, 2011, Metz, France.
  48. Reviewer for 1st International Conference on Applied Bionics and Biomechanics (ICABB-2010) , Venice, Italy, October 14-16, 2010.
  49. Member of Program Committee Internet of Things 2010 "IoT for a Green Planet" International Conference , November 29 - December 1, 2010, Royal Park Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.
  50. Member of Technical Program Committee The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM 2010) , October 25 - 30, 2010 - Florence, Italy.
  51. Member of Program Committee 2nd International Workshop on Web Intelligence and Virtual Enterprises (WIVE 2010) , Oct 12, 2010 - Oct 13, 2010, Saint-Etienne, France.
  52. Member of Program Committee Pervasive 2010 Conference Workshop on What can the Internet of Things do for the citizen? (CIoT 2010) , May 17, 2010, Helsinki, Finland.
  53. Member of scientific committee, NOFOMA (Nordic Logistics Research Network) conference 2008, June 4-6, 2008, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki.
  54. Member of scientific committee, EU RFID FORUM 2007, March 13-14, 2007, Conference Centre Albert Borschette, Brussels.
  55. Member of scientific committee (reviewer), First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2008), April 20th - April 22nd 2006, Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
  56. Member of organising and scientific committees, Workshop on "Reinforcement learning in non-stationary environments" of European Conference on Machine Learning, October 7th, 2005, Porto, Portugal.
  57. Member of scientific committee, Second International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization April 8-11, 2003 Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal. Reviewed seven submitted papers.
  58. Member of scientific committee, First International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization March 7-9, 2001 Zurich, Switzerland. Reviewed six submitted papers.

Last modified: March 7th, 2022