IOCCC '89 Best of Show

#define d define
#d a include
#a <stdio.h>
#a <string.h>
#a <ctype.h>
#d p char*
#d P ,(p)
#d T(E) !strcmp(E,"()")
#d U return
#d W while
#d X sbrk(199)
#d z atof
#d e isspace
#d D A(_)
#d E S(C(_))
#d B(y) p y(_)p _;{
#d G(y,V) B(y)p i;U sprintf(i=X,"%lf",z(E)V z(S(C(D)))),i;}

	    p sbrk(),*S(),*j(),*O,*H;K,Y,M=14;double
	  z();Q(_)p _;{int V=0;W(e(*_))_++;H=_;W(V|!(e
      ')'),H++;U H-_;}B(C)U _++,Y=Q(_),_=strncpy(X,_,Y),_[
    Y]=0,_;}B(A)_++,_+=Q(_);W(e(*_))_++;U O=X,*O='(',strcpy(
  O+1,_),O;}B(Z)U _;}B(c)U C(E);}B(q)U A(E);}B(t)p i=E;U H=S(C
(D)),sprintf(O=X,T(H		         )?"(%s)":"(%s %s",i,H+1)

	     ,O;}B(F)U S(C(A(T(E)?D:_)));}L(i,s)p

i,*s;{U isdigit(*i)		?         z(i)!=z(s):strcmp(i,s);}
  B(b)U L(E,S(C(D)))?"()":"t";}B(R)U E;}B(o)U z(E)<z(S(C(D)))?
    "t":"()";}G(f,+)G(g,-)G(h,*)p r[4][2]={"function"   P R,
      "quote"P C,"lambda"P Z,"defun"P j};B(j)U r[M][1]=D,*
	r[M++]=C(_);}p not[99][2]={"if"P F,"equal"P b,"<"
	  P o,"+"P f,"-"P g,"*"P h,"car"P c,"cdr"P q,
	    "cons"P t,"t","t"};B(S)int Li,s;p u;if(
	      isdigit(*_)|T(_))U _;for(Y=M;Y--;)
		if(!strcmp(_,*r[Y]))U r[Y][1]
	="",_=D;O=C(u);W(!T(O))*r[Li++]=C(O),O=A(O);U O=S
 		main();{printf("XLISP 4.0\n");}}

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Last modified: Aug. 26, 1996