IOCCC '89 Best of Show hint file

Best of show: <...!uunet!mcvax!hutcs!jar> Jari Arkko, Ora Lassila, Esko Nuutila

	Jari Arkko, Ora Lassila, Esko Nuutila.
	Laboratory of Information Processing Science
	Helsinki University of Technology
	Otakaari 1
	02150 Espoo

Judges notes:

	This is the most useful program entered this year. It is a
	rather large subset of lisp.  It has no error recovery, and
	performs rather poorly in a number of cases.  Even so, placing
	all this functionality in such a small, densely packed program,
	is impressive enough to win the Best of show award.

Selected notes from the author:

	This program implements a Lisp interpreter in 1465 bytes of source.
	Some sophisticated features supported, eg. functionals and recursion.  
	The special-forms/functions/variables implemented are:
		+	-	*	<	()	
		car	cdr	cons	defun	equal
		function if	lambda	quote	t
	Below are sample lisp expressions you might choose to try as input.
	The program implements a conventional lisp listener, i.e. you type in
	lisp expressions (followed by CR), the program evaluates them and
	prints out the return values. End execution by typing an end-of-file
	(+ 2.5 3.1)
	(defun fib (n)
	   (if (< n 2)
	       (+ (fib (- n 2)) (fib (- n 1)))))
	(fib 10)
	(defun ! (x) (if (equal x 0) 1 (* x (! (- x 1)))))
	(! 7)
	(defun fn1 (fn) (+ (fn 1 2) (fn 3 4)))
	(defun fn2 (a b) (+ a b))
	(fn1 (function +))
	(fn1 (function fn2))
	(fn1 (function (lambda (z1 z2) (+ z1 z2))))
	(quote a)
	(cons (quote (a b)) (quote (c d e)))
	(cons (quote (f)) ())
	(car (quote (a b c)))
	(cdr (cdr (quote (g h i))))
	Please do not leave any whitespace before the first parenthesis when
	you type your input, or any other unnecessary whitespace. Please try to
	avoid any undefined variables or functions, wrong number of arguments
	etc. All these errors are likely to dump core (i.e. there are no error
	checks in the program).
	Traditional Lisp implementations use cons cells as the main data
	structure. Lists are organized of pointer chains of these cells.
	In this program, an alternate representation was chosen: char*'s.
	All list operations, including the ones in the interpreter, are
	made using string representations of the lists. These operations
	must count parentheses and skip whitespace. This leads to extremely
	poor performance!

Copyright (c) 1989, Landon Curt Noll & Larry Bassel.
All Rights Reserved.  Permission for personal, educational or non-profit use is
granted provided this this copyright and notice are included in its entirety
and remains unaltered.  All other uses must receive prior permission in writing
from both Landon Curt Noll and Larry Bassel.

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Last modified: Aug. 26, 1996