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[Bar94] John Perry Barlow: The Economy of Ideas, Wired 2.03.85, March 1994

[Ben95] W. Bender, D. Gruhl, N. Morimo: Techniques for data hiding, Proceedings of the SPIE, 2420:40, San Jose CA, February 1995

[Far94] David Farber: Hearing on Communications and Computer Surveillance, Privaty and Security, May 1994

[Hal95] Phillip Hallam-Baker: Secure Authorisation Issues on the Web, Tutorial Notes of Third International WWW Conference, April 1995

[Neg95] Nicholas Negroponte: A Bill of Writes, Wired 3.05, May 1995

[OTA94] Office of Technology Assessment (OTA): Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments, September 1994

[Sam95] Pamela Samuelson: Copyright and Digital Libraries, Communications Of The ACM, April 1995, Vol. 38, No.4, pp. 15-21, p. 110

[Sta87] Richard M. Stallman: The GNU Manifesto, GNU Emacs Manual, 1987, pp-175-184

[Tho95] Jerome Thorel: EC plans encryption rules in bid to police information superhighway, Nature, vol. 377, no. 6547, September 1995, p. 275

[Wie95] Gio Wiederhold: Digital Libraries, Value, and Productivity, Communications Of The ACM, April 1995, Vol. 38, No.4, pp. 85-96

[Wri95] Benjamin Wright: The Verdict on Plaintext Signatures: They're legal, The Law of Electronic Commerce, Little, Brown & Company, July 1994

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mtu@cs.hut.fi - 04 DEC 95