Title of Project

Project Description

bulletThe first paragraph should be a brief description of the project.

Points of Concern for Student Learning

bulletStart with empathy:  Before criticizing a man, walk a mile in his shoes.
bulletThe power of projecting one's personality into (and so fully comprehending) the object of contemplation.  Oxford English Dictionary

Describe some aspect of the topic you have chosen to visualize that you believe average students seem to have trouble grasping (this is the empathy aspect).


bulletDo research to see what has been done before.  Cite the research and give a simple description of major systems.

Give citations or web links of at least two related efforts you have found.  You should actually list here all of the interesting citations you have found.

Project Plan

bulletCreate a plan for the project.

Discuss your plan for completing the project.

Project Layout

bulletLay the project out using text, images, audio, slide shows, and video

Describe one video and one slide show you plan to create to help students learn the topic.  Remember that a video clip will need to be short, because they consume a lot of space.  For a real project, this would not matter.  You may describe more than one video and/or slide show here, but only one of each is required for now.  I would assume that your final project would have more.


bulletOutline a complete context for your project, (e.g., a hypertextbook section)

Give a title for a hypertextbook that would cover the entire subject of which your project is just a tiny part.  Then describe the chapter that your project would be in.  Finally, outline the section of this chapter that you plan to write.

Active Learning Component 

bulletRecognize how an active learning model might be designed to help students learn the process even better.

Give a very basic description of an active learning model (object) that you think would help students learn your material.


bulletKeep notes on the features this model should have.

Have a section called Notes on your web page where you keep ideas that come to you over time.

Active Learning Component Design

bulletDesign and implement the model.

Most of you will not actually be doing this for the project for this class.  Instead there will be a detailed description of how such a model would function.


bulletDevelop an evaluation strategy that is both formative and summative.  I want to do the visualizations.  I want someone else to do the evaluations.  Tom Naps

You will need a section on evaluation.  This can be left blank for now.


bulletHave a plan for long-term sustainability.

You can leave this section blank for now.

Time Line

bulletHave a realistic understanding of the software engineering principles involved.

You can leave this section blank for now.  Eventually you should have some estimate here of how much time the project would take.