Java Advanced Programming

Exercise 1

Using the classes in the "java.util" package

Program a text-based application that reads in date/value information from a text file, whose name is given as a command-line parameter. First create a public class "DateValueVector" that extends the Java class "Vector" and contains a main-function which (without error checking for command line parameters) could look like this:

public static void main(String[] argv)
  DateValueVector dvv = new DateValueVector();
  System.out.println("Days: " + (dvv.getNbrDays() + 1));
  System.out.println("Maximum value: " + dvv.getMaxValue());

Also define a public class called "DateValueObject" that has two public fields - "date" (object of class Date) and "value" (a double value). Objects of this class are used for storing the date/value pairs that have been read in.

The class "DateValueVector" should contain the following public methods:

public void readFromFile(String fname)  // Reads date/values from file
public double getMaxValue()     // Returns maximum value.
public int getNbrDays()         // Number of days between first and last day
public int getNbrDaysBetween(DateValueObject d1, DateValueObject d2)
                                // Number of days between two dates
public void print()             // Print out date/value pairs

Program output using the data in the included file "Exc1DateValues.txt":

C:\DateValueReader>java DateValueVector Exc1DateValues.txt
Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 CET 1999    50.0
Tue Jan 05 00:00:00 CET 1999    55.0
Tue Jan 12 00:00:00 CET 1999    51.0
Mon Jan 18 00:00:00 CET 1999    54.0
Sat Jan 23 00:00:00 CET 1999    59.0
Mon Jan 25 00:00:00 CET 1999    57.0
Sat Jan 30 00:00:00 CET 1999    56.0
Tue Feb 02 00:00:00 CET 1999    52.0
Sun Feb 07 00:00:00 CET 1999    49.0
Days: 38
Maximum value: 59.0


To be returned: